Monday, November 30, 2015

Great article: 61 Daily Thoughts Of A Student Athlete

Academics, athletics, extra workouts, mandatory events and a social life?! Juggling all these things is a hard task to do. Every day, student athletes all over the country are grateful for the opportunity they have to play the sport they love at the collegiate level. Here's a look inside some of the daily thoughts of a student athlete.
  1. Snooze button.
  2. Snooze button.
  3. Snooze button.
  4. Okay, time to get up. If I'm late I'll have to run sprints.
  5. I wonder when I can nap.
  6. What should I eat for breakfast? Apple? Granola Bar? Oatmeal?
  7. I can’t believe the moon is still out.
  8. Is everyone here? 1… 2… 3…
  9. Who’s going to call him or her?
  10. I think if I blink too long, I’ll fall asleep.
  11. Why can’t I touch my toes? I’ve been stretching since I was six.
  12. I wonder what we’re running today.
  13. Nooo, not 300s!
  14. I wonder if Coach is in a good mood.
  15. Nope, not in a good mood. Here we go.
  16. Did I forget to put deodorant on this morning?
  17. Here we go, time for sprints.
  18. Water. Need water.
  19. I wonder how many calories I’m burning.
  20. I wonder when I can nap.
  21. How many sets are we doing?
  22. The sunrise looks so pretty through the windows of the weight room.
  23. Am I skinny, yet?
  24. Driving with ice bags on your legs should be a skill on my resume.
  25. Should I nap, shower, or eat?
  26. Shower, nap, eat.
  27. No -- eat, shower, nap.
  28. No, no -- definitely nap, eat, shower.
  29. Groufit or look cute?
  30. Definitely, groufit.
  31. Do you realize how much I’ve done before my friends are even up?
  32. Shoot, I’m sore. Is it frowned upon to take the elevator?
  33. What if Coach sees… Guess I’ll take the stairs -- leg day, part two.
  34. I wonder if my professor likes athletes (game changer).
  35. No, I’m not from Michigan.
  36. Yes, field hockey is a women and men’s sport.
  37. I’m not wearing this because I’m an athlete; I’m wearing this because I’ve been up since 5 a.m.
  38. When am I supposed to get my study hours in for the week?
  39. How am I supposed to get to practice on the other side of campus?
  40. Running, that’s how.
  41. I’m not late for class -- stop mocking me.
  42. I wonder when I can nap.
  43. Still can’t touch my toes.
  44. Woah, my ___ is so sore.
  45. Coach seems happier (4 p.m. vs. 5 a.m.).
  46. Until that... sprints again.
  47. Ugh, this drill again?
  48. I wonder what ___ practices are like.
  49. I wonder what time it is.
  50. What should I make for dinner?
  51. Probably, cereal with the milk from the weight room this morning.
  52. I thought you said, “last one” twenty minutes ago?
  53. Thank God the trainers are here. Ice is bae.
  54. I have so much homework.
  55. Eat, homework, Netflix?
  56. Eat and Netflix, homework?
  57. Homework and eat, Netflix?
  58. Skip Netflix. I’m going to bed.
  59. I’m exhausted.
  60. Set alarm for 5 a.m.
  61. I wouldn't trade this life.

How To Effectively Email College Coaches

The idea of getting recruited to play college sports can seem daunting. Many athletes and parents have questions about how to get on a college team and how to get coaches to know who you exist. While there are many ways to contact a coach, email is one of the most effective methods. It is non-invasive and gives coaches time to process your message and craft a necessary response. Here is our 5-step guide to maximizing your emails to college coaches. 

Before you start sending off email to coaches you want to contact, it is important to do some research. You want to find out about the coach and the team so you can send a more effective, personal email. It will help to show you care and that it is not just about you. 
  • Take some time to find out more about the coach and the team. Search on Google and Twitter.
    • What are the coaches achievements? The teams? How long have they been there? Know the details! 
  • Figure out what you can bring to the team and how you might provide value. 
    • How many players on the roster already play your position? Have they already signed someone in your position?
This may seem trivial and unimportant, but you don’t want to send an email with an address that is not professional. Avoid addresses that are unreadable and that have many special characters. The best thing to do is have your first name, last name, or both in your email address. 
The subject line is the first thing a coach will see. Avoid making it too long, and keep out words or phrases, such as, “Recruit Me”, “Best Player”, “Scholarships”, etc. 
Keep the subject direct and to the point. 
Use your findings from your prep here. Say something about them - acknowledge a recent achievement, show appreciation, something about a recent game. 
Everyone enjoys something nice said about them.
Keep it short and to the point, 1-2 paragraphs maximum. If it’s too long a coach probably won’t read it all. 
  • Tell them why you are interested in their school/program. 
  • Include a link to your highlights. Have a full game tape ready to send if they reply and want to see more. 
  • Let them know some intangible things you can bring to the team. 
  • Ask a quality question, such as, tips for improving a certain skill set, good camps to attend, etc. 
  • Attach your Athletic profile link so coaches can have a more in depth look at you. (This will make their job easier and save them time when they are trying to find social media accounts, and other relevant information about you, like your GPA)
Use proper punctuation and grammar and do not use slang! You wouldn’t believe how many people do not follow these basic things. It could automatically eliminate any chances you have.
Not all coaches will reply the first time and that is okay, they are busy people who receive lots of email per day. Sometimes it takes a few attempts to stand out and be unique. Be willing to follow up and show coaches your progress. Remember, it’s a process. Building good relationships can take some time.

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